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Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #1: True, dry ice in the punchbowl is typically saved for Halloween. However, it can be the perfect effect for a prehistoric theme! It doesn’t last forever so either pick up a few pounds of it or save it for the time when most/all of your guests will be able to see it (it often works best for when your guests first arrive.)

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #2: Crushed up graham crackers make great looking dirt. This can be used to decorate a myriad of desserts…especially cakes!

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #3: Purchase some cheap beige fabric (or colorful stripes if fitting more with your décor) as napkins. Cut them in squares, leaving the frayed edges for the more ‘rustic’ look.

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #4: Do you have some ceramic tiles left over from your last home improvement project? These look GREAT as placemats. Never mind if they are chipped or broken…they look even BETTER when they are!!! If a single tile is in several pieces, arrange the pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, allowing about ¼ inch of space between so that your guests can SEE that it’s broken. You’ll be amazed at the overall effect for your table!


Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #5: Unless your event dictates, try to avoid any kind of tableware. Let your guests eat with their fingers the way a caveman would. For added fun…make sure that the food is a bit on the messy side!

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #6: Tie your table cutlery or napkin rolls in thin, rough twine. It can be purchased very inexpensively at your local hardware store and REALLY gives a rustic feel to your table setting!

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #7: If you are planning on BBQing meat…tell your guests that the meat if from your most recent hunting expedition. Make little name tags for different kinds of meat including T-Rex, velociraptor, etc.

Prehistoric Dinosaur Theme Party Food Ideas #8: Have your guests sit around a fire pit or eat in a tent…or just outside a tent – in the true caveman style. This is a great place to cook food (over an open fire) and tell stories.

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